

This is a static site, handmade by me using Eleventy. I pay £12 per year for the domain and hosting is free via DigitalOcean.

HTML and CSS were written by me, with the exception of a navbar from PureCSS. The blog font is Inter; the portfolio font is Simoncini Garamond. I used glypphanger to subset these fonts.

Both sites have been tested for accessibility using WAVE. If you notice any problems please do let me know.

You can view the impact of each site via their Ecograder reports - both are hosted on green servers; the blog emits 0.01g of CO2 per visit and weighs 28.95 KB, while the portfolio emits 0.01g of CO2 per visit and weighs 32.78 KB. Both sites are in the 1MB club, the 512KB club, the 250KB club, and the Darktheme club.

There are no cookies, no trackers, and (almost) no Javascript. Analytics are collected in a privacy-aware manner via GoatCounter.



The code for this website is licensed under The Anti-Capitalist Software License. Text on the blog is licensed under Creative Commons.


Last updated